Monday, June 22, 2009

Fall Ideas?

Our wind-up has come and gone signaling the end of our e*MeRgE school year activities. We will be having an event sometime in late July as a way to reconnect at the mid point of the summer.

But now is the time to start thinking about the fall and planning for the new school year. Some things are already established such as our Not So Cheap Trek 2010 planning, Winnipeg Harvest service nights, monthly youth services, retreats, etc. However your input is valued and needed in terms of themes for some of these events as well as perhaps new ideas for programs and ministry ideas.

I would love to hear from youth and/or parents for your suggestions and dreams for the year ahead. Please feel free to contact me so we can discuss e*MeRgE related events and ideas. I am always available to grab a coffee and dream with others about what might be! One of my main roles as Youth Pastor is to assist in the spiritual development of young people and their families. I see myself as a partner in this endeavor and I would love to help you in anyway I can.

Have a wonderful summer and please be in touch. God bless!