Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year . . . New Opportunities!

2011 is now over a week in and its back to a full school/work week. How's it going so far? Feeling a little bit overwhelmed and/or longing for the holidays again? Or maybe you're like me and enjoy getting back into routine? Whatever place today finds you, I hope that you can be encouraged to seek Christ's perfect peace and rest.

Often we become so focused on ourselves that we neglect the one who knows us and our heart's desire intimately. Oh I know you and I don't plan on it being so, but too often we get busy with our "To Do List" that we leave little room for God in our thoughts and daily routine. Please be assured this is not an attempt to make you feel guilty about your relationship with Jesus. We do that guilt thing quite "well" ourselves. Rather, this is an attempt to say that today is a new day, in a new year, with new opportunities. The old is gone and the new has come. Today you can choose who or what you will follow. Today, this moment, is all you and I have. The question is what are we going to make of it? Are you and I going to wallow in self pity, fear, or denial? Or are we going to stand up and as Paul says: "Only let us live up to what we have already attained." ~ Philippians 3:16

What have we attained? If we are Christ followers we have attained: redemption, forgiveness of sins, new life, the mind of Christ, hope, salvation, freedom, peace, joy, the Holy Spirit, love, a faithful Heavenly Father, communion with Christ, fellowship with believers, spiritual gifts, eternal life, God being for us, security, and purpose. I could go on, as these are only some of the truths we find in the Bible about our inheritance because of the faithfulness of God and his son Jesus Christ 

The challenge for today and each new day in 2011 and beyond is, how are we going to choose to live? Because we do have a choice in what we focus our minds on. Are we going to choose to look at our abilities, our circumstances, and our needs? Or are we going to look to Christ and determine to align ourselves with his ways, his purpose, and his perspective?
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4:8

May you and I choose today and each day to seek God first, resting in the knowledge that everything else will be looked after by the one who knows all of our needs ~ see Matthew 6:25-33.
e*MeRge News!
Join us this Friday as we begin our new year at e*MeRgE serving the people of our city at Winnipeg Harvest! This is a great opportunity for you and I to focus on others while putting action to our faith. We're meeting from 6:15-9:30 p.m. and I remind you to wear closed shoes and clothes you don't mind getting a bit dirty.

Sunday night is our first LIGHT of the year. Come out for a great evening of worship, teaching, meeting new and old friends, and refreshments! LIGHT is from 7:30-9:30 p.m.