Wednesday, July 21, 2010

My friend Alby and the beard!

Hey for today!

We are still having great weather here in L.A. and a wonderful time together. Today our group went to the L.A. Food Bank where we put together food kits to give to people around L.A. We worked very hard today and ended up putting together about 1900 food kits! We also had a bit of entertainment from Kent, unfortunately not everyone liked it. Our other group went back to Project Angel Food and then helped with a garden project in the afternoon. 

Last night we were privileged to meet an amazing man. His name is Albert but we called him Alby. He is a homeless man in the Hollywood area who came to chat with us about being homeless. He told us that there is a saying among people in Los Angeles: "Your one pay cheque away from being homeless." To think about that and about how true it is for people here really hit me. We talked with Alby about not only him but about other homeless people and how we should act or treat them. He basically told us that they are so used to being ignored and shut out that just saying hi can make their day. We were also told that you can not go to the aluminum recycling if you don't have a car. Which completely shuts out the homeless community with their shopping carts.

Having this chat with Alby made me very excited for our work tomorrow with a group called PATH Hollywood where we get to go and talk with some homeless people. It should be a great day tomorrow so we will find another Starbucks so that we can fill you in again.

To view new pictures from our time at Agua Viva and a bit of San Diego click here.

p.s. One of the funniest moments of this week so far that everyone was too scared to post about was when Kevin HAD to shave. Thursday we went to La Bufador Kevin told a few of us that he had to shave that morning. We had to laugh considering the fact that none of us saw any hair on his face. So we challenged him to not shave for the next he agreed to is. But yesterday we were on breakfast duty and all of a sudden Kevin was gone. After about 15 minutes of us working without him he shows up and tells us that he had to shave, he said his hair was getting way too long. It was literally 2mm's long!!! HAHA